Siena Agudong has had quite the year. Her Netflix show No Good Nick had a great season, her Instagram game is so strong, and she’s always got a smile on her face. Feeling the Vibe got to chat with Siena. Find out which song she puts on blast, she reveals a little known fact about herself you’ll be surprised by, and why she’s “playing with fire.” Keep reading below for all the details from our exclusive interview with Siena!
Movie: Hobbs and Shaw.
Store to shop in: Urban Outfitters
Song to sing: “Truth Hurts” by Lizzo!! My friends and I blast the volume when it comes on haha!
Dessert: Warm cookies and soy milk
Game to play: Halo on Xbox 360!!
This or That
Beach or pool? Beach Beach Beach!
Texting or FaceTiming? Depends haha! If I’m feeling awake, FaceTiming lol!
Theme park or Water park? Water park!
Ripped jeans or plain jeans? Ripped jeans for sure!
Home schooled or going to school? Going to school!

Our readers love to learn about beauty routines. Can you tell us your every day beauty routine and which products you use?
I am no beauty guru but I found sound products that I have recently received and I love them so much! I use a tea tree oil cleanser daily, Fresh Sugar Strawberry Exfoliating Face Wash, witch hazel, First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Moisturizer, Clinique Acne Solutions Clinical Gel! I just got some of this stuff from my first trip to Sephora and I love it, haha!
Your hair is always so full and pretty! Which products do you like to use for your hair?
I haven’t found specific products that I put in my hair but I wash it every day! I love to use shampoo and conditioner!!
What is your go-to fall outfit?
My go-to fall outfit would be ripped jeans, a comfy sweater, ankle boots, and a messy bun.

What is in your bag right now?
In my bag right now I have school books, about 3 different types of mint lip balm, 2 non-mint lip balms, Canadian money, and a bunch of Stevia packets.
What is one thing your fans would be surprised to learn about you?
Hmmm, one thing people would be surprised to know about me….I love writing! I love writing short stories! Not stories like the Princess and Prince but deep thought-provoking scenarios that are twisted!
What is your nationality?
I am a mix of Caucasian, Filipino, and Polynesian.
Were you surprised at the direction they brought Nick in for the second part of season 1?
I was so excited at the direction they brought Nick in for the second part of season 1. It was so much fun to play the scenes in part two because of how intense they were! The ending shocked me and the cast for sure! We absolutely loved filming it and bringing the words off the page.

How did you prepare for your role and get into the mind of a con artist?
In order to prepare for Nick, a street-smart con artist, I looked up many different things con artists do, and tricks and tactics they use in conversations. (my search history probably looked a little sketchy with all of the criminal searches I was doing now that I say it out loud.) For dramatic scenes, I would listen to music to get me in a state of vulnerability and write down what Nick, I, am going through.
You live in the beautiful state of Hawaii. What are three things you love to do there?
I absolutely love Hawaii! When I am back home I must go to the beach and surf (small waves, haha, I am not a pro at all, just love the water), explore the island such as a hike or go down the river, and camp, either on the beach or up in the woods!
Congratulations on your new role for the Disney Channel movie Upside-Down Magic. What is it about and when should we expect it to see it?
I cannot wait for everyone to see the magic that we are creating right now!! I am currently on set filming the new Disney Channel original movie called Upside Down Magic! I cannot say too much about the movie yet because I don’t want to spoil this special project. I can say that it is about young Nory, played by Izabela Rose, and her best friend, Reina, the character I play, and their journeys at Sage Academy, a secret school for students who have magic.
The character I play, Reina, is a Flare, which means she has fire powers!! I will leave the rest of the spoilers for you to watch the movie but what you can expect is, magic and friendship, with some twists!
What advice would you give girls to increase confidence?
Being confident, (in of course, a humble way), is key to living your life to the fullest. To any girl or boy who doesn’t feel confident, it is okay to go through that, but the strength is standing up for yourself and accepting how amazing you are.
In 3 words, how would your friends describe you?
Silly, Kind, Passionate.
Thank you so much to Siena Agudong for taking the time to talk with us! We’ve loved seeing you shine as Nick on No Good Nick, and we wish you the best of luck in all your new endeavors. Be sure to follow Siena on Instagram (@SienaAgudong) for more on her life.
12 Fun Facts about No Good Nick‘s Siena Agudong
Siena Agudong Wants Fans to Keep “An Open Mind” about No Good Nick Role
Siena Agudong & Lauren Donzis Share BTS Photos from No Good Nick!
No Good Nick Gets Part 2 of Season 1 – See Trailer + Get Premiere Date!
Kari Highman is a Beauty and Fashion Blogger at Feeling the Vibe Magazine. Otterbein Alum (2017) – English & Psychology. Always learning & creating. Avid fan of mid 2000’s TV & pop music. Comments or tips, email
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