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Where Can I Buy Shake It Pup from ‘Shark Tank?’

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Shake It Pup from Shark Tank

We were introduced to the two owners of a new food brand called “Shake It Pup” on ‘Shark Tank‘ tonight on ABC.

What is Shake It Pup?

Shake It Pup

Shake It Pup was created to remove the bland taste from dog food. Even our furry pets need a little bit of taste in their bite!

The company was founded all dog lovers who believe feeding our sweet companions should be enjoyable for them, so they created this dog food seasoning.

Where can you buy Shake It Pup?

Do you have a dog that you want to enjoy feeding time a bit more? Shake It Pup is a seasoning that will liven up any dog food. It is available on the big retail online giant, Amazon! It is just under $30 for three of the seasonings. Check them out on

They have all sorts of flavors in stock that your pup will love. It is available in bacon & eggs, BBQ chicken, PB and more.

Tune into Shark Tank tonight, Friday February 28, 2020 at 8pm EST on ABC.


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1 thought on “Where Can I Buy Shake It Pup from ‘Shark Tank?’”

  1. Pingback: 5 Facts and Updates on Shake It Pup from Shark Tank- The Reality TV

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