You’ve seen the young and talented Kendall Vertes from the hit Lifetime reality show, “Dance Moms” with famed dance coach, Abby Lee Miller. She has grown up on TV sharing her dancing talent with the world. We’ve seen her come in during the second season and flourish on stage. We had a chance to meet with Kendall and her lovely mother to learn more about this budding starlet. Find out how Kendall describes her dance mates and co-stars, what a typical day of taping Dance Moms is like, plus how she became a dancer. You can learn all that and so much more. Read below!

Exclusive Interview with Kendall Vertes of “Dance Moms”
Ice cream Flavor – The chocolate and vanilla twist
Jill: Mint Chocolate Chip
Store to shop in – I love Lulu Lemon and Nordstrom
Jill: There aren’t a lot of shops to choose from where we are out in Pennsylvania. When we get a chance to come to New York, the shopping is great.

Vacation – Last spring I went to Marco Island with my family, it was so hot and we went swimming every day. It was a lot of fun!
TV Show (besides Dance Moms) – Maddie, Kenzie and I like to watch Glee on the plane trips. I love Disney Channel Shows like Good Luck Charlie and Jessie
Jill: She actually doesn’t watch Dance Moms
Movie – The Hunger Games: Catching Fire and Divergent
Type of Dance – Jazz, Contemporary and Ballet
Jill: You can teach someone a dance but you can’t teach a style. Each of the kids has their own style.
Singer – Katy Perry, Sam Smith, and Ariana Grande
Ariana Grande Song: Break Free
Game – I love Mine Craft and a new game called Bouncy Ball
Sport – My sister is really good at tennis, so on my days off I’ll play tennis with her
Jill: I do play tennis but with three kids, everything else comes first.
Restaurant – Max n Ermas and Texas Roadhouse
Food: Depends on what I’m in the mood for

This or That?
Dogs or cats – Dogs
Apple or Android – Apple, I do want the iphone 6!
Summer or Winter – Summer
Netflix or TV – TV
Going out to eat or eating at home – Eating at home because I get to spend time with my family
Liv & Maddie or Jessie – Jessie
Morning or Night – Night, I’m not really a morning person!
Texting or Phone Calls – Texting
Lucky Charms or Honey Nut Cheerios – Lucky Charms
Halloween or Christmas – Halloween! Last year Maddie and I made crazy costumes and it was fun to see the reactions.
Describe your fellow Dance Moms co-stars, who would you say is the:
Funniest: Maddie
Most talkative: McKenzie
Quietest: Nia, she and her mom are quiet and really nice
Most addicted to her cell phone: We are all really addicted to our phones. If I had to pick, I’d say Brooke.
Studies the most: Chloe is a teenager now and she has a lot of schoolwork
Shopaholic: Jill

8 Questions with “Dance Moms” star, Kendall Vertes
There is so much talk on Dance Moms about “your face.” Do you take acting classes to perfect your expressions?
Your expression is really important when you dance. I’m actually going to start taking acting classes this fall because I love to act.
What do you love most about dancing?
I love how dancing can tell a story. I also love going to competition and meeting other dancers. I had the great opportunity to meet dancers on “Dancing with the Stars” and “So You Think you Can Dance?” It’s great to see everybody’s individual style. Dancing for me is about letting go and just learning about the dance plus the story behind it. It’s my life!
What’s a day like of taping? What’s the routine?
I wake up early and go to school until 3pm. Then after that, I go straight to dance class. I don’t usually get home until 10

or 11pm. I have to take some time to do my homework, shower, and go to bed. We are definitely constantly on the go. On Fridays we travel to our competitions. A lot of the time we either take a plane or a bus. All the girls are really great friends and everybody gets along, even the moms. When we’re on the plane we like to make video stars with this app we use. On Mondays, we don’t film so that’s our day off.
Do you get recognized when you go out? How does it feel?
Yes I do. Sometimes when I’m at a school football game, other kids will come up to me and ask for pictures.
Jill: I’m really the same person, I’m just a mom but life has definitely changed. I go to the grocery store or Target and I’ll be recognized now. I love meeting the fans! We always take time to take pictures. They tell us we touch their lives and they touch ours just as much.
How were you chosen for the show?
I actually didn’t come on the show until the second season. I went on an audition in front of the producers. There was an interview and they also asked how I would fit my schoolwork in if I were in the show. The producers wanted to see if I fit the mold. The big part of the audition was dancing for Abby.
When you’re not dancing, what do you enjoy doing?
I don’t get much free time but when I do get some, I like to spend it with my family. I have two older sisters. I like playing games on my phone and playing tennis with my sisters.
Do you have a nickname?
Yes. My nickname is “Free Bird” because I’m like a free bird.
Jill: Sometimes it’s hard to keep track of her! She’s a very calm girl and goes with the flow.
Our readers love official social media profiles. Do you have an official Instagram and Twitter profiles?
Kendall’s Official Profiles:
Jill’s Official Profiles:

2 Questions for “Dance Mom” Jill:
Did you take dance classes too?
Not really. I used to cheer in high school. I took some dance classes but nothing like what these girls do.
What made you decide to start giving Kendall dance lessons?
I personally believe every little girl should have the opportunity to take dance classes. My older daughter actually took lessons and Kendall nearly grew up in a dance studio. She started dancing when she was only 2 and just loved it from there.
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